John Oates once wisely stated that “a good mustache makes a man for many reasons.” We couldn’t agree more. That’s why today we want to shine a light on the plethora of different types of mustache styles available for you, from vintage to modern and everything in between.
Not only will we be showcasing dozens of shapes and lengths, but we’ll also teach you how to style a mustache. Therefore, the next time you want to get creative with your facial hair, choose one of the cool mustache styles below!
1. Pencil Thin Mustache Styles
Firstly, we’ll start with a simple mustache that you can immediately begin working with. Pencil thin mustache styles have been around for ages. We’re certain they’ll still be trending for years to come. Thankfully, you can pull one off regardless of your beard growth patterns.

2. Chevron Mustaches
Inspired by the V-shaped insignia, the chevron mustache is a fine choice for men with thicker facial hair. It’s not as high maintenance as many of the other different mustache styles we’ll be covering. However, it does require some good genes and occasional trimming.

3. Best Mustache Styles for Older Men with Beards
We’ve said it before when talking about hairstyles for older men, but we’ll repeat it every time we get the chance. Age honestly is only a number. Moreover, it should never stop you from adopting a bold appearance. If you’re a senior with a beard, give your mustache some love too.

4. Handlebar Mustaches
Are you all about going big or going home? A handlebar mustache is exactly what you need. The timeless style is perfect for men with a strong sense of confidence (and a passion for grooming). As we see it, the longer the handlebars, the better your mustache will turn out.

5. Trim Mustache Styles
On the other hand, there are plenty of guys who are keen on the elegance of simplicity. Countless celebrities choose to wear short trim mustaches, with Johnny Depp as one example out of many. To get similar results, we recommend purchasing a reliable mustache trimmer.

6. Big Beards and Mustaches
If you’re all about big beards, think about making your mustache just as spectacular. You can choose any type of mustache to pair with a bushy beard. Still, we advise you to go for a longer ‘stache so you can achieve harmony within your look.

7. Van Dyke Mustache and Goatee Styles
Goatee styles are definitely back to stay this year. One particular goatee that is impossible to ignore is the Van Dyke beard. With a rich history behind it, the Van Dyke beard is excellent for courageous men who know a thing or two about beards.

8. Mustaches with Patchy Beards
Sadly, not all men were blessed with thick facial hair. In fact, there are innumerous guys who struggle with patchy beard patterns on a daily basis. Be that as it may, a mustache is an amazing solution for balancing out your features and drawing attention away from any bald spots.

9. Best Mustache Styles for Round Faces
On the flip side, we’re grateful that all these different mustache styles allow men with any face shape to rock them. For instance, if you have a round face, you can opt for a larger mustache to be your main feature.

10. Painter’s Brush Mustaches
As the name suggests, the painter’s brush mustache resembles the bristles of the tool in discussion. It’s yet another cool option for men who generally have thicker facial hair. Also, do note that your painter’s brush mustache doesn’t have to be as wide as the version pictured below.

11. Best Mustache Styles for Square Faces
Men with square faces usually don’t have that much of a hard time find flattering mustache styles. Nevertheless, anyone can use a boost of inspiration for their facial hair. If your jawline is as sharp as a knife, a small mustache will do the trick for completing your appearance.

12. Hipster Mustache Styles
Love them or hate their style, you do have to admit that hipsters put a lot of effort into their clean-cut looks. When it comes to their mustaches, they go all the way. You should keep in mind though that you need to invest quite some time into your self-care routine to attain such an imposing ‘stache’.

13. Contour Mustaches Style
While some men boast their mustaches as their primary feature, others use them for discrete emphasis. For example, you can use a thin mustache to outline your lips. The technique is great for men who have big lips and want to accentuate them.

14. Dutch Beard Mustache Styles
Also known as the Frank Zappa beard, the Dutch beard truly is an impressive facial hair style choice. Popularized by the legendary musician in the 70s, the mustache-beard hybrid has beaten the test of time and is still trending to this very day.

15. Mustache Styles with Stubble
If you want a more modern approach to your facial hair style, we have just the right idea for you. Grow a standard mustache, shave the rest of your face and wait for just a dash of stubble to make its appearance. If Donald Glover can pull it off so incredibly well, so can you.

16. Drip Mustaches Style
When you decide to combine your mustache with a beard, a whole new world of opportunities opens up for you. Just an example is the dripping mustache shown below. To recreate the look, simply trim the bottom lines more tightly than the rest of the mustache.

17. Freddie Mercury Mustaches
Out of all the different mustache styles artists have sported throughout the years, we have to admit that Freddie Mercury’s is one of the most iconic. It encompasses the entire vibe of the 80s in just one facial feature, and brilliantly so.

18. Feathered Mustache Styles
If you want to get all fancy with your mustache, you have to step up your styling game. With the help of a mustache comb and some wax, you can get a finely feathered aspect. The results are simply stunning, don’t you agree?

19. Short Dallas Mustaches
The Dallas mustache is a well-known style among Americans. However, many younger men have decided to give the classic mustache a modern twist. In doing so, they trim down the sides to make it suitable for contemporary hairstyle trends.

20. Vintage Thin Mustache Styles
Errol Flynn is undoubtedly one of the most notable actors that made the pencil mustache a must in the golden age of Hollywood. In addition to his remarkable acting chops, Flynn’s sleek mustache made him one of the most desirable men at the time. For more vintage inspiration, check out our list of 1930s hairstyles for men too.

21. Horseshoe Mustache Styles
John Travolta never ceases to amaze us with his unique and creative facial hair styles. At one point, he sported a horseshoe mustache without a care in the world. If you possess the same awesome confidence, take a shot at the horseshoe mustache yourself.

22. Two Piece Mustaches
Most of the time, you’ll see mustache styles where the whole strip of facial hair is connected. Notwithstanding, mustaches comprised of two distinct sections are indeed eye-catching. To get one, just trim down the middle area of your mustache.

23. Chin Strap Mustache Beards
You already know that the chin strap beard has made a noteworthy comeback this year. But what happens when you mix it with a finely clipped mustache? The result is as sensational as it sounds. For the approach mentioned here, we recommend opting for a thin mustache design.

24. Mustache and Goatee Styles with Soul Patches
Eddie Murphy has rocked a variety of different mustache styles throughout his career. Nonetheless, his mustache and soul patch goatee combo is the one we usually associate him with. We believe it’s an excellent idea for older men with a flair for grooming.

25. John Waters Mustaches
There’s not a doubt in the world that John Waters has left a permanent mark on cult cinema history. Ever since his rise to worldwide prestige in the 1970s, he has proudly worn his trademark line-like mustache. He still sports his signature mustache to this day.

26. Gunslinger Beard Mustache Styles
Although the gunslinger beard is definitive for the Western genre, any man can rock it anywhere in the world. Take Indian Air Force Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman for example. After gaining media attention earlier this year (due to being held in captivity by Pakistani forces), his gunslinger mustache has now become a nationwide trend in India.

27. Avant-garde Mustaches
If the movie Inception had anything to do with mustaches, this is definitely what the poster would have looked like. All jokes aside, mastering an avant-garde mustache is no easy feat. Therefore, kudos to you if you possess the necessary styling skills to do so.

28. Anchor Beard Mustache Styles
The anchor mustache beard looks precisely like you think it would – an anchor. Worn by the likes of athletes like David Beckham and famous actors, the style comes pretty close to the Van Dyke beard. Still, it has its own special charm that makes the bearer stand out with style.

29. Retro Mustaches
Feeling nostalgic yet? If John Lennon’s mustache won’t give you a blast from the past, we don’t know what will. In contrast with numerous perky modern mustache styles, the retro version tends to go downwards. When combined with long sideburns, the soft approach will give you major hippie vibes.

30. Full Coverage Walrus Mustache Styles
The walrus mustache gets its name from… well, resembling a walrus. When kept at the length shown below, a walrus ‘stache might not be the most practical style in the world. All the same, nobody can deny the fact that it’s fabulous.

31. Imperial Mustaches
On a similar note, the imperial mustache depicted below won’t be found on your average joe. It takes guts, style, and a knowledge of history to be able to sport one. Still, if you have all the three ingredients we mentioned, we totally think you should go for it.

32. Barber Beard and Mustache Styles
There’s no place quite like the barbershop. Think of your favorite barber as your guardian grooming angel. With his help, you can get a first-class mustache with a killer beard to match. We can almost guarantee that you won’t get the same results on your own at home, so book an appointment!

33. Hulk Hogan Mustaches
Sometimes we wonder if Hulk Hogan is more well-known for his signature mustache than his career. It would be completely understandable though. His bright white horseshoe ‘stache will always make heads turn whenever he walks into a room. Would you rock it?

34. Lampshade Mustache Styles
Ah, Tom Selleck. What a legend. Since his Magnum era and all the way up to the present day, the renowned actor has always been spotted with a thick mustache. The style he usually opts for is known as the lampshade mustache, and you can grow one just like it too.

35. Daliesque Mustache Styles
Speaking of legends, how could we have spoken about mustache styles without paying respects to the grandest of them all? Salvador Dali’s mustache was so astounding that it was pretty much regarded as an entity of its own. If you’re brave enough, get to twisting and create your own.

36. Bowtie Mustaches
Want a thoughtful touch for your mustache? Think about incorporating a certain shape into its design. Even though your options might be a bit limited, a bowtie silhouette can look wonderful. All you have to do is clip a bit of the hair in the center – above your lip and under your nose. Now you’re good to go!

37. Handlebar Mustache Styles with Beards
The infamous handlebar mustache is as handsome on its own as it is when paired with a beard. If you do decide to grow a beard to complement it, you have to be aware of the additional time and energy it takes to maintain it. But if you’re up for the challenge, you’ll look exceptional in the end.

38. Fu Manchu Mustaches
Out of all the Asian beard styles we know, the Fu Manchu mustache is probably the most memorable. Inspired by the mad scientist, the Fu Manchu ‘stache features two remarkably long and thin strips that hang down on each side of the face.

39. Guy Fawkes Mustache Styles
In this day and age, it’s basically impossible to not recognize the Guy Fawkes mask. Whether you know it from V for Vendetta or the Anonymous movement, the handlebar mustache and narrow chin strip beard are unmistakable. Take your rebellion to the next level and sport one yourself.

40. Toothbrush Mustaches
Modern times call for… iconic mustaches! Everyone can agree that Charlie Chaplin’s mustache played a huge role in his charisma. However, we do recommend approaching the toothbrush mustache with caution. You might not want to cause confusion with other historical figures that aren’t as pleasant.

41. Stretched Out Mustache Styles
Now here is a mustache that Dali himself would likely have been proud of. The overall length and shape are strikingly similar to those that belonged to the world-class artist. What makes it a distinct mustache is the choice of styling – straight out (instead of curled up).

42. Dapper Mustache and Goatee Styles
In all honesty, dapper is more than just a style – it’s a state of mind. Pierce Bronson and countless other male celebrities have donned dapper elements throughout the years. If you want to shine with the same handsomeness, try a dapper mustache and goatee style.

43. English Mustaches and Beards
When you first see the English mustache, you may initially think of the Rich Uncle Pennybags, aka Monopoly man. But you’ll be getting more than just a get out of jail free card with such a prestigious mustache. The ladies will be swooning indeed.

44. Cowboy Drooping Mustache Styles
Whether you’re a Southerner yourself or you’re a huge fan of Western movies, a cowboy mustache is just what you need. The drooping mustache style could prove to be a bit impractical, but a bit of trimming should get the job done.

45. Angled Mustache Goatees
Regardless if applied in your beard or mustache, angles have an excellent way of making your facial hair original and personal. As part of your mustache, for example, you can create two peaks on the upper part. The outcome is a defined and dynamic look you’ll be glad to sport.

46. Eccentric Drooping Mustache Styles
Here’s a crazy style that will definitely help you snag a prize in a mustache competition. Just know that with great ‘staches come great responsibilities. Additionally, keep in mind that the long and thick sideburns really bring the whole look together.

47. Scraggly Mustaches and Beards
We’ve seen tens of flawlessly clipped mustaches until now, whether short or long. However, the average man may not have the time or resources necessary for an extensive daily grooming routine. If you don’t really care that much about your appearance, go ahead and rock that unkempt mustache and beard.

48. Dandy Mustache Styles
If pocket squares, expensive fabrics, and effortless style are all part of your lifestyle, you need a dandy mustache. To do so, we encourage you to work with an expert in the field. The immaculate results will be worth every penny.

49. Colorful Mustaches
Last but definitely not least, we want to conclude our list of different mustache styles with a call to action. No matter how serious or nonchalant you may be, don’t forget to have fun every now and then, even if that means dyeing your mustache green to put a smile on someone’s face.

How to Style a Mustache
As you’ve found out, there are so many different types of mustache styles. As a direct result, you can imagine that learning how to style a mustache truly varies from case to case.
Still, we do have a few general pointers you can follow to groom your superb ‘stache.
- Invest in a quality mustache wax, especially if you’re serious about leveling up your grooming routine.
- Purchase a mustache comb or, alternatively, use your fingers to do the styling.
- Apply the styling product without using a large quantity. You don’t want your mustache to look greasy.
- Pull and twist the strands of your mustache according to the final style you want to achieve.
- Trim your mustache regularly to maintain your ideal length.
All in all, we’re sure that all the types of mustache styles we talked about will convince you to get one soon. When you decide on your favorite silhouette, learn how to style a mustache properly as it grows. Great things take time, patience, and work, and there’s no exception when it comes to facial hair.
So, which mustache styles have you chosen to rock with your head held high?
Recommended Read: Also, If you were inspired by all the different mustache styles we presented, go ahead and check out our beard styles guide too.
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