29 Worst Haircuts for Men in 2024

We all know the feeling: freshly cut hair, that first look in the mirror, and then… the shock! It is not even slightly close to what you wanted it to look like. But you still say that you’re happy and then you go home and try to fix it.

Think you’re having a bad time and one of the worst haircuts? Then take a look below and keep in mind that these guys are a worse time than you!

1. The First Emo?

the first emo

Scene haircut gone wrong. Enough said.

2. The Front Yard Fringe

front yard fringe

3. The Mullet with Flat Top and Bald Spot

The Mullet with Flat Top and Bald Spot

This is a mullet haircut combined with a flat top combined with a bald spot? It looks a bit as if he’s placed an egg on his flat top.

4. The Coral Reef Hair

the coral reef worst haircuts

We’ve seen an discussed many dreadlocks, but these really do resemble a coral reef structure, don’t you think?

5. The Spiral Forehead

spiral forehead worst haircuts

Not sure what the idea behind this haircut was. Maybe he wanted to cover his receding hairline or simply wanted to have something… well… special.

We consider this one to be the worst haircut from our entire list.

6. The Bald Crown

bald crown haircut

For all the kings without a crown, simply make your own! But try to do so without making it out of a bald patch.

7. The Double Mustache… on Forehead

double mustache on forehead

Two are better than one! Or, in this case, one would have been better than two. Or at least, one would have been better than two if placed where it should.

8. Worst Haircuts, Shaved and Censored

worst shaved designs haircuts

I can’t even imagine what this guy told his hairdresser… This is probably one of the worst haircuts for men I’ve ever seen, ever.

9. The Pet Shaved Design

rat shaved design bad haircut

When your parents tell you you’re not allowed to have a pet, simply carry one on your head. Apparently. Better not. Don’t!

10. The Sideways Mohawk

sideways mohawk

Yes, mohawks look all the edgier and more authentic if you shave the head. But this is taking things a bit too further.

11. The “I Never Lose My Hat” Haircut

hair hat hairstyle

When you always lose or forget your hat, why not go with this haircut?

12. Behind the Bars – Worst Spiked Haircuts for Men

Behind the Bars - Worst Spiked Haircuts for Men

The perfect statement hair to say “I’m trapped inside my own body. Help!“.

13. The Halo Hair

the halo hair

I swear I’m a saint.

14. The Lizard Hawk

lizard hairstyle

Somehow impressive, somehow ugly. Opinions?

15. Blue Hair Wings

blue hair wings

Maybe he wants to use his hair to fly? Or what do you think he wanted to achieve with this? This hairstyle will surely be the cause of many discussions.

16. Embrace the Baldness

bald base mullet cut

When you start going bald but the hair at the back of your head still grows. It’s a sort of mullet cut, but one I wouldn’t personally recommend.

Ronaldo probably wanted to have his garden always by his side, so he decided to go for a front yard fringe cut?

17. The Bug Cut

bug hairstyle

Maybe he was a big fan of bugs?

18. The Blackout Shave Haircut

blackout shave haircut

I would say this looks as if the power went out when they were still shaving his head and so couldn’t finish.

19. The Hairspray Mania

mohawk hairspray mania hairstyle

A town would probably need a whole day (or more?) to use the amount of hairspray he used in a day for this ultra-high punk-style mohawk.

20. Icy Spiky White and Blue

icy blue spikes hairstyle

Probably great for a Christmas party, but a “no go” for the rest of the year. That is unless you want to look like Jack Frost, permanently.

21. Helmet Hair

helmet hair

This guy chose to wear a helmet, permanently. He just styled his shave to look like one.

22. The Blowdryer Exploded

the blowdryer exploded hairstyle

This hairstyle looks as if he was mildly electrocuted or as if dried all his hair upside down but after pouring gel on it.

23. The Landing Stripe Hairstyle

the landing stripe hairstyle

It’s never a good idea to shave just the middle of your head. You can either get a bald spot (as you’ve already seen several such examples) or get a hairstyle that resembles a landing stripe on an airport.

24. The Pineapple Hairstyle

the pineapple hairstyle

Oh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

25. Strawberry Love Hair

strawberry hair

This guy seriously loves strawberries. Or is he really into winning that fruit-themed costume party.

26. The Leaves Lover

leaves lover haircut

If you’re so into those leaves (wink, wink) that you’re willing to show it to everyone. Probably in the states where it’s actually legal.

27. This Funny Bloke

hairstyle on back of the head

This dude is trying to replicate Voldemort circa Harry Potter Book I when he was catching a ride on some else’s head.

28. The Wimbledon Fan

wimbledon lover tennis ball hairstyle

When you’re such a big tennis fan that you need to show it off to everyone. This is also a true story as this man is (was?) a really big Wimbledon fan.

29. The Cool Teen

the coolest teen haircut

I bet this kid was the day’s topic in school – all day or week.


So there you have it, this list of the worst haircuts for men I’ve seen so far will surely convince you that the barber really did not ruin your hairstyle – especially when you come home a little bit miffed.

You will definitely feel better about your style after seeing these. Also, in case you see your hairstyle on this list of worst haircuts for men: we mean no harm or insult, I just don’t think they are well-made and would recommend growing out the hair or cutting it to a more normal shape.

That being said, take a look at the trendiest haircuts and hairstyles of the year to pick an actually cool way to style your hair. And also, I ask our readers to vote and decide: which of these is the worst or funniest haircut, in your opinion?

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