The fact is that guys tend to associate the term ‘mature hairline’ with receding hairlines, male pattern baldness, and hair loss, in general. Of course they’ll start panicking at the thought. But little do people know what a mature hairline actually refers to.
Luckily, we’ve done all the research and packed it into one place so you won’t go tumbling down the black hole of apocalyptic Google searches. We’ll break down everything you need to know about mature hairlines, from the definition to causes, comparisons, and development timeline.
To top everything off, we’ll show you what hairstyles flatter a mature hairline, as well as some extra hair care tips.
What Is a Mature Hairline?
For countless men, using the words “mature” and “hairline” in the same sentence is enough to provoke unease. However, is a mature hairline really a reason to worry?
Before we go any further, we need to make sure that we’re all on the same page. So, what is a mature hairline, anyway? It can be defined as the new, slightly higher hairline that men develop when transitioning from teenagers to adults.

The process usually takes place during a man’s late teens and late twenties, typically between the ages of 17 and 29.
In saying that, the specific age in which a hairline starts to mature differs from man to man. So much so, that some guys can begin showing signs of a maturing hairline before or even after the standard age range.
Hairline maturation is a natural experience that almost all guys will undergo in some way, shape, or form.
Only a small percentage of men retain what is known as their “juvenile hairline”, i.e. the low hairline that boys have. Your hairline matures, just like you do as an individual. This happens as you grow into your adult male body.
Why Does the Hairline Mature?
A maturing hairline is an inherent part of the male aging process. After puberty, the body continues to develop both inside and out. While some teens experience a growth spurt, others might notice that their hairline is a little higher than before.
By no means is it a reason to panic. Rather, you should treat it as an opportunity to educate yourself on the natural stages of adulthood that your body goes through.

The Biological Explanation
Biologically speaking, it seems that the reason why hairlines mature is the change in hormones that happens in the body. While not yet scientifically proven, specialists believe that the sex hormone Dihydrotestosterone – commonly known as DHT – is connected to hairline maturation.
The androgen is known for causing hair follicle reduction, which is why it’s often acknowledged as a possible cause for hairline maturation. For the same reason, high levels of DHT in the body can lead to hair loss.
Is a Mature Hairline Normal?
A maturing hairline is as normal as any other step in a person’s physical development. It certainly shouldn’t be the basis for living in constant fear of hair loss. But we’ll get to that in a minute.

Knowing how much guys worry about the smallest indication of a rising hairline, we can’t stress enough just how natural the phenomenon is. It’s just like your hair turning silver as you age.
While there aren’t official statistics to confirm its prevalence, it is estimated that well over 90% of white men will have a mature hairline in the second half of their lives. Additionally, even though Caucasians make up the majority of men whose hairlines mature in time, people of color might also go through the stage.
Does Mature Hairline Mean Balding?
Now, to address the terrorizing elephant in the room – “if my hairline is maturing, does that mean that I’m going bald?”
As long as the space between your hairline and the highest wrinkle on your forehead doesn’t exceed 2/3 of an inch, rest assured that you are not balding. Later on in our guide, we’ll show you exactly how to measure everything so you can see for yourself.
Until then, let’s get into all the comparisons that pop up in conversations about mature hairlines.
Mature Hairline vs Balding
If you’re prone or suffering from male pattern baldness (also known as MPB), the shape of your hairline will be notably different. While a normal mature hairline is convex, a person who is showing signs of balding will notice an M-like silhouette forming.

To help you understand the stages of male pattern baldness, we recommend consulting the Hamilton-Norwood scale. Developed between the 1950s and 1970s by Dr. James Hamilton and Dr. O’Tar Norwood, the scale identifies seven stages of balding.
If your hairline resembles the one depicted in stage 1 and perhaps even stage 2, you’re likely dealing with a mature one. Men with male pattern baldness are invited to take a look at these hairstyles for balding men.
Mature Hairline vs Receding Hairline
Once you get any MPB concerns out of the way, there’s a good chance the next question on your mind will be, “is my hairline maturing or receding?” Yes, it is, but not in the way you probably think.

By definition, your hairline will recede as it matures. Be that as it may, there’s a massive difference between what is acknowledged as a receding hairline and one that is maturing.
First off, the hair recession at the level of your temples will be visibly more accentuated than the rest. After that, a mature hairline doesn’t rise that far up, whereas a receding one is higher up on the head. Think Tom Hanks, Jude Law, or Mel Gibson.
If you fall into the latter category, we have a lengthy list of hairstyles for men with receding hairlines to help you out.
Thinning Hair vs Mature Hairline
It’s not really that hard to spot the difference between a mature hairline and thinning hair. Actually, it’s kind of like comparing apples to oranges. Hairline refers to a silhouette while thinning regards the thickness of the hair.

Even though they are two distinct features, there are cases in which a person can have both a mature hairline and thinning hair. Oftentimes, men with thinning hair also present a mature or even a receding hairline. Nevertheless, it’s not a mandatory trait.
Still, dealing with thin hair can be challenging so we warmly encourage you to check out our collection of practical hairstyles for men with thin hair.
Widow’s Peak vs Mature Hairline
Although mature hairlines and widow’s peaks are separate concepts, there’s somewhat of a debate regarding the latter in comparison to receding hairlines.
Some people claim that a widow’s peak is a sure sign of a receding hairline. On the other hand, others are simply born with a widow’s peak and never end up having to cope with baldness.

In the end, a widow’s peak is defined as a type of hairline. Indeed, numerous men can have one form as they ease into MBP. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that every guy with a widow’s peak silhouette will eventually end up with a receding hairline.
Take Leonardo DiCaprio, for instance. He’s always had a widow’s peak and his long, slicked back mane has yet to show any indication of disappearing.
Juvenile vs Mature Hairline
An original, immature, first, or juvenile hairline is that which you have up until you are an adolescent. It’s noticeably lower down the forehead and persists throughout boyhood and until the late teenage years.

In terms of measurements, the difference between a juvenile and mature hairline is usually around 0.59 inches or 1.5 centimeters.
When Does a Mature Hairline Start & Stop?
The course of developing a mature hairline varies greatly from case to case. Some men can even experience their hairline maturing throughout an entire decade. Others will see the development come to a close within a couple of years. The bottom line is that it won’t happen overnight.

As far as expected ages go, we’ve already clarified that hairlines can start maturing as early as 17 or even earlier, in some cases. It’s quite a unique process for every individual, so welcome it with open arms if it arrives.
How Can I Measure a Mature Hairline?
If you really want to get into the nitty-gritty of hairlines, you can go ahead and measure yours. After all, it will help you determine which category your hairline falls under: juvenile, mature or receding. To do so, simply follow the instructions outlined below.
- Grab a handheld mirror or sit in front of a larger one.
- Scrunch your forehead as if you were surprised and wide-eyed.
- Place your finger directly under your hairline and above the highest forehead wrinkle.
If the space between your hairline and top wrinkle is less than or equal to the width of your finger (with approximation), you have a mature hairline. Any wider than that and there’s a chance that you could be confronting a receding hairline.
What Does a Mature Hairline Look Like?
To get an idea about the appearance of a mature hairline, take a look at any man over the age of 40 (and, in many cases, even 30 plus). It’s as easy as that. Yet again, it goes to show just how common mature hairlines are and that they’re nothing to worry about.

In more specific terms, the standard depiction of a mature hairline will be high on the forehead, but not so high as to be mistaken for a receding one. In addition, there will be a good amount of hair around the temples.
Ideas for Mature Hairline Hairstyles
But why try to merely explain when we have a set of great mature hairline examples prepared? Aside from clearly illustrating hair maturation, our examples come with clever hairstyle suggestions. They will help you understand not only what cuts and styles you can try, but also encourage you to sport your hairline with confidence!
1. Regular Haircut

No matter how young or old you are, you can never ever go wrong with a regular haircut. First of all, it’s guaranteed to flatter any mature hairline. Secondly, it’s a professional hairstyle fit for men of all ages.
For some, it may be old fashioned, but we say that’s a classy and clean-cut look for any man with a good sense of style. Stephen Colbert is just one example out of many that support the timeless cut.
2. Slick Back Hairstyle

If you’re on the lookout for more of a dapper hairstyle, you can proudly rock your mature hairline with slick back hair. Leo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and countless A-list celebrities over the age of 40 are killing it with their sleek locks. To get the look, let your hair grow out to medium length. Then, use a high-quality styling product to slick your strands back.
3. Textured Quiff Haircut

The quiff haircut is one of the coolest and top-trending hairstyles of the moment. It’s a versatile, youthful, and visibly flattering look for men. To add texture and definition cut some layers into it. As for styling, it’s all in sweeping your hair to the side and then upwards, above your forehead.
4. Angular Fringe Haircut

If you’re not quite ready to embrace your maturing hairline head-on, you can conceal it with a fringe haircut for men. This will help you cover up at least a portion of your hairline until you become accustomed to it. We recommend pairing the angular fringe with an undercut for extra style.
5. Curtain Fringe Hairstyle

Alternatively, you can also go for curtain bangs to conceal a maturing hairline. Curtain bangs reached peak popularity in the late 1990s, and they continue being a symbol of the tall, dark, and mysterious. We particularly recommend a curtain fringe hairstyle for men with naturally straight hair.
6. Faux Hawk Hairstyle

If you’d rather stay up to date with the latest trends in the hair industry, consider going for a faux hawk haircut. As opposed to fringe cuts, a faux hawk will do anything but hide away your maturing hairline. It’s a perfect way to wear your hairline with your head held high.
7. Flow Hairstyle

Are you ready to go with the flow and accept the sophistication that can come with a mature hairline? You’ll definitely want to look into flow hairstyles.
In essence, a flow hairstyle is just medium length hair that is casually swept back. In contrast to slicked back hair, a flow hairstyle will do exactly what it promises… flow. Men with wavy or curly hair can pull one off without too much effort.
8. Buzz Cut

If you’d rather keep things simple and choose function over form, your best bet is the buzz cut. It’s probably one of the most beloved super-short haircuts of all time. In the case of men with mature hairlines, the buzz cut can minimize the receding look and add a bad boy touch to your look.
9. Ivy League Haircut

There’s no better hairstyle to encase your maturing hairline than the Ivy League haircut. If you’re all about maintaining a flawless visual presence, don’t underestimate the power of an Ivy League cut. Your exceptional tastes will be appreciated even from a distance.
10. Shape Up Haircut

The shape up haircut, also known as the line up haircut will help sharpen your features and increase the manliness of your hairstyle. In essence, your hairline will be chiseled to form a sharp rectangular shape – no more stressing over that mature hairline.
How Can I Prevent Additional Hairline Recession?
Alright, let’s say that we’ve convinced you that you shouldn’t be terror-stricken at the sight of a maturing hairline. Still, we’re sure that you’ll want to know how you can prevent your hairline from receding more than it already has.
There are medications like Finasteride or Minoxidil (commonly known as Rogaine) that are prescribed for hair growth. Revivogen is also used as a topical, drug-free solution for preventing additional hair loss.
However, we never recommend taking any form of medication – prescription or otherwise – without speaking to a certified dermatologist.
Instead, some natural alternatives that will improve not only your hair situation but also your overall lifestyle are:
- Have a diet rich in vitamins and minerals – more specifically, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and nutrients like protein or iron.
- Regular scalp massages – will stimulate the circulation of blood and revitalize your hair follicles. Use an oil that will help balance the pH levels in your hair, such as castor oil.
- Consume Omega-3 fatty acids – these not only help promote the growth of your hair but they can also minimize scalp irritation.
- Reduce DHT levels – with the help of foods rich in zinc, like nuts (almonds or cashews are excellent choices).
- Keep calm and carry on – In recent years, specialists noticed a connection between stress and hair loss. In any case, reducing the amount of stress in your life via light exercise, exposure to the outdoors, or meditation will support your general state of wellbeing.
There you go – the widely debated topic of the mature hairline in a nutshell. See? It’s not so bad after all. Regardless of the situation you’re in, rest assured that there are more than enough haircuts and hairstyles out there that will please you!
If you still have conflicting thoughts about the onset of balding, it would be best to consult a dermatologist. Only a licensed professional can determine whether you’re slipping into MPB or just experiencing a maturing hairline.
What about you? Has your hairline already matured? If so, do you have any comforting tips for other discontent men who are in the beginning stages? Share your wisdom with other readers in the comments below!
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