50 Most Popular Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles in 2024

Man buns have been popular for a few years now, and the hottest looks in this trend are Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles. An undercut is when the sides and back of your head are shaved shorter than the rest of your hair, and in this case, since you have medium to long hair to make a man bun, the undercut will be much shorter.

If you didn’t already know, man buns could be worn so many different ways; you can do a top knot on top of your head; if you have medium-length hair, you can try out a small bun; if you have dreads, you can do braids that lead into a bun, you can do anything you would like in this style. Let us take a look at the 50 best man buns to undercut ideas for men in 2024.

1. Disconnected Man Bun Fade

Disconnected Fade - a man wearing black barber cape.

This first look is a man bun with a disconnected undercut. This is a great way to separate the undercut from the bun, and in the photo above, it looks like they added in some hair product to make sure the hair stays in place all day long.

2. Blonde High Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles

Blonde Man Bun High Undercut - a man wearing black shirt.

If you have naturally blonde hair, this is a great haircut. They went with the style of a high buzzed undercut, and the rest of the long hair was pulled back on top, and it looks so cool.

3. Top Knot Undercut

Top Knot Undercut - a man wearing red shirt.

Top knots are just women; look how dope his hairstyle looks in the photo above. He is wearing his hair in a topknot bun with an undercut. Try growing out your beard as they did above for a little extra style.

4. Man Bun Square Undercut Hairstyles

 Square Undercut - a man wearing mask and royal blue shirt.

Try out this square-looking one if you are unsure about what kind of undercut to get yourself. Your hairdresser will shave your hair around the ears and back of the head, and then they will square it off in the back.

5. Man Bun with Shave Undercut Hairstyles

Man Bun Shave Undercut - a man wearing printed black barber cape.

For an almost bald style, try out this shave undercut. Here they have slicked back the long hair into a bun and left the rest shaved short.

6. Perm Man Bun Undercut

Perm Bun - a man wearing glasses, mask and gray shirt.

One of the hottest trends for men’s hairstyles this year is the permed look. In this look above, they also have added in lighter color highlights and a short buzz underneath the longer hair, and it looks so good.

7. Zigzag Cornrow Braid Bun Undercut

Zigzag Cornrow Braid Bun Undercut - a man wearing stripe shirt.

Another fashionable way to wear your hair in 2022 is to try out this man bun with cornrows and an undercut. They went the extra mile here and added zig-zag parts between his cornrows, and the results are so fresh.

8. Undercut Man Bun Braids

Undercut Braids - a man wearing printed undershirt.

If you need a style to keep your hair out of your face for exercising or just life in general, this is a perfect hairstyle to try. They gave him a short buzz around the bottom and added 3-4 braids on top that are pulled back into a small bun.

9. Man Bun Designs

Man Bun Designs - a man wearing tie-dyed shirt.

Wow, this hairstyle design is one of a kind for sure. Once you find yourself a hairdresser that can do this for you, make sure you never let them go.

10. Mid Low Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles

Undercut Mid Low- a man wearing printed black shirt and gold necklace.

Here is a more laid-back kind of hairstyle for men. They have just the smallest undercut here to keep the edges nice and clean, and his hair is pulled back into a simple, loose bun.

11. High Fade Designed Man Bun

High Fade Designed Man Bun - a man wearing green printed barber cape.

When you wear your hair like this, you will know that you look good. In the photo above, they are wearing a high fade with a unique design on the sides, and the hair on top has grown out and pulled back into a twisty bun.

12. Low Braided Man Bun

Low Braided Hairstyle - a man wearing purple barber cape with gold earrings.

Here is an example of a low bun. His hair has a small undercut around the edges, and the rest is divided into 3-4 sections and braided perfectly. This kind of style you will be able to wear for days and not think about doing your hair.

13. Purple Man Bun with Designed Undercut

Purple Man Bun with Designed Undercut - a man wearing gray undershirt.

If you need to add some color to your life, try out this manly purple. They have also added a disconnected cut design between the undercut and the long hair, and it looks so good together.

14. Line up Long Man Bun

Line up Long Hairstyle - a man wearing red long sleeves.

A lineup is a good idea no matter what haircut you decide to get, and here it looks so fresh with his long dark hair. He can wear his hair up in a bun like in the photo above or wear it long; either way, it will look great.

15. Slicked Back Top Knot

Slicked Back Top Knot - a man wearing earrings and black barber cape.

Try this slicked-back top knot style if you want to wear your hair in a classy way. They have added a fresh lineup in the front with a short buzzed fade on the sides and back, and together it looks so good.

16. Man Bun High Taper Fade

 High Taper Fade Hairstyle - a man wearing gray shirt.

One very handsome look is this man bun with a taper fade. They kept the fade so short it has an almost bald look, and then he kept the beard long and strong, and the final results are good.

17. Strenuous Man Bun Designed Undercut

Strenuous Man Bun Designed Undercut - a man wearing a black tie-dyed shirt.

He is wearing a strenuous man bun above, and it looks so cool. One way to show off your creative side is to add a unique design in the undercut, and you can try changing the design up now and again to keep your style new and fresh.

18. Burst Fade Man Bun

Burst Fade Hairstyle - a man wearing printed barber cape.

Burst fades are a style that keeps the bottom of your hair short and gets longer as it tapers up. They also added a thick cut in part underneath the longer part of the hair, giving the two lengths great definitions.

19. Man Bun Fade Undercut Hairstyles

Man Bun Fade Undercut - a man wearing white stripe barber cape.

Here is a classic man bun style; they have a great fade undercut and keep the top long and slicked back.

20. Simple Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles

Simple Undercut - a man wearing blue green barber cape.

There is nothing wrong with keeping your look simple; it is easier to care for and looks fantastic on men of any age. So here, they have a simple undercut with one section on the top of the headlong and pulled back into a small bun.

21. Messy Man Bun Burst Fade

Messy Man Bun Burst Fade - a man wearing black barber cape.

Messy buns are easy to do and can be very easy to learn how to make your own. They added a messy bun with a short burst fade in the style above, and the combo looks so fresh.

22. Curly Man Bun

Curly Hairstyle - a man wearing black shirt and black barber cape.

Curly hair can be hard to find the right style for; that’s why this curly man bun should be your next look. Shave the sides and back short, but keep enough length on top to pull back into a curly man bun.

23. Skin Fade Man Bun

Skin Fade Man Bun - a man wearing black mask and shirt.

Skin fades are one of the most popular ways to keep your hair looking fresh and stylish. So they kept the skin fade here all one length and slicked back the rest into a perfect small ball on his head.

24. Full Bun High Undercut

Full High Bun - a man wearing yellow LV inspired barber cape.

Sometimes you need to add a full undercut; that is what they decided to do in the photo above. Then they pulled all the hair back and twisted it into a full bun in the back.

25. Classic Man Bun with Line-up Undercut

Classic Hairstyle with Line-up Undercut - a man wearing dragon print polo.

Wow, this style is world-class; he is wearing a classic man bun with a fresh lineup with a short undercut. You need to try this style out at your next appointment; you will love how you look.

26. High & Tight Man Bun with Beard

High & Tight Hairstyle with Beard - a man wearing black shirt and barber cape.

The phrase high and tight is normally used to describe a military haircut, but this look is not a normal military hairstyle. Here is a new age-high and tight haircut for men with a man bun added in.

27. Round Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles

Round Man Bun Undercut - a man wearing black mask in barber cape.

If you have been thinking about getting a round-style undercut, this is a perfect style. Try adding a thick disconnected part on top of your fade to show off the round style.

28. 2-Strand Twisted Bun Burst Fade

2-Strand Twisted Bun Burst Fade - a man wearing gray shirt.

One of the best ways to wear your dreads is this 2-strand twisted style. In the photo above, they added a short buzzed fade around the bottom half and pulled his dope dreads into a high bun.

29. Messed-up Man Bun Fade Undercut

Messed-up Hairstyle with Fade Undercut - a man wearing black mask and shirt.

For a shaggy hairstyle, try out this messed-up man bun look. Keep the bottom short and buzzed around the natural hairline, and pull the rest of the hair back, whatever your favorite style is.

30. Mid Fade Messy Man Bun

Mid Fade Messy Hairstyle - a man wearing glasses and black earrings in brown shirt.

Mid fades are a very popular way to keep your hairstyle looking fresh and clean. They are wearing a messy man bun look on top, and the combo together is so good.

31. Curly End Man Bun Low Undercut

Curly End Hairstyle - a man wearing black barber cape.

Men curly can do almost anything with their style and still look great. Above, he is wearing his curly hair with an undercut around the sides.

32. Bushy High Bun Skin Fade

Bushy High Hairstyle with Skin Fade - a man wearing jewelries in dark blue shirt.

In this look, they have a super short skin fade style with a bushy bun pulled up on top. This style can be worn up like this or even long down your back; either way, it looks cool.

33. Classic Man Bun Natural Blonde

Classic Hairstyle with Natural Blonde - a man wearing stripe black barber cape.

Here is a classic man bun for men with naturally, or dyed, blonde hair. This would be a great style for the long summer months.

34. Loose Messy Man Bun

Loose Messy Hairstyle - a man wearing black red barber cape.

Not all man buns need to be slicked back and tight, this style is a loose messy hairstyle, and it would be great to wear to casual functions around the house.

35. Curved Braid Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles

Curved Braid Man Bun - a man wearing black barber cape.

This fancy hairstyle for men has 4-6 curved braids on top that all meet back into a perfect bun. Add your favorite kind of fade to the backs and sides, and you will love the way you look.

36. Pushed Back Man Bun Mid Fade

Pushed Back Man Bun Mid Fade - a man wearing white barber cape.

In this look, they took the fades and the beard trim very seriously; try finding yourself a good barber to get the same type of love. He is wearing a pushed-back man bun style with a mid fade along the sides, and the outcome is dope.

37. Razored Man Bun Undercut

Razored Undercut - a man wearing printed black shirt.

One way to get an undercut look is to ask for a razor undercut; it keeps the hair short and even all along the sides. Then, on top, they have the hair brushed back and pulled into a ball.

38. Combed Man Bun Undercut

Combed Hairstyle - a man wearing silver jewelries in white shirt.

Here is a perfect style for men with long straight hair; it is called a combed man bun undercut.

39. Teeny Weeny Man Bun

Teeny Weeny Man Bun - a man wearing stripe barber cape.

Not all man buns need to be made with long hair; sometimes, you can have a teeny weeny man bun. As long as you can pull your hair up in a pony, you can have a man bun.

40. Mini Pomp Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles

Mini Pomp Hairstyle - a man wearing plaid polo.

Here is another style for men with shorter hair but who want to try out the man bun style. Shave the sides short and leave enough length on top to pull into a small ball. They also grew out their beard in the photo above; it is a great combo.

41. Messy V-Undercut Man Bun

Messy V-Undercut Man Bun - a man wearing black printed shirt.

If you want a little extra spice to your look, try this messy v-shape undercut. It will set you apart from the normal hairstyle, and you will love the way you look.

42. Dreads High Bun Undercut

Dreads High Bun Undercut - a man wearing dark blue shirt and necklace.

People with dreads have been wearing their hair in dreads for centuries. This look is the dreads high bun style with a short undercut; if you try this style out, you will always be in fashion.

43. Thick Man Bun Trimmed Undercut

Thick Man Bun Trimmed Undercut - a man wearing cotton mask and black turtle neck.

For men with thick hair, this would be a wonderful haircut for you to get. They have added a simple trim on the sides and left the rest all one long length, and it looks super fresh.

44. Small Man Bun Blurry Fades

Small Man Bun Blurry Fades - a man wearing black barber cape with beards.

The small bun looks good with the long thick beard in the photo above. Be ready for everyone to compliment you on how stylish you are when you wear your hair like this.

45. Burst Fade Messed Bun

Burst Fade Messed Bun - a man wearing black barber cape.

Messy buns are one of the easiest ways to style your hair this morning. You can wake up in the morning, brush your hair quick and throw it back into this cool messy bun.

46. Pomp Man Bun Undercut Hairstyles

Pomp Man Bun Undercut - a man wearing white polo.

This style is a fun take on a pompadour hairstyle but with a twist of the man bun on top. They went with a short undercut style and a trimmed beard in the photo above, and the combo is great.

47. Messy Ball Man Bun with Bushy Beards

Messy Ball Man Bun with Bushy Beards - a man wearing gold earrings in barber cape.

Bushy beards go great with messy ball man buns. Try adding a fresh edge up as they did in the photo above to add a little extra style to your look.

48. Graduated from Fade Man Bun

Graduated Fade Man Bun - a man wearing black mask and shirt.

Here is a graduated fade style with a man bun on top. They added a v-shape fade in the back for a little extra pop, and it looks so good.

49. Man Bun Skin Fade

Man Bun Skin Fade - a man wearing black barber cape.

Skin fade haircuts are right on style for 2022; try pairing it with a small man bun as they did in the photo above to love how you look.

50. Mini Man Bun Low Undercut Hairstyles

Mini Man Bun Low Undercut - a man wearing black coat and shirt.

This is a great style for men of any age to wear. He is wearing a mini man bun with a low fade undercut. He can wear this style up like in the photo above, or you could try wearing it long too.


Try out the fresh combo of a man bun and undercut for your next style. As you can tell, this hairstyle is so good for men with all different types of hair, and you can wear this style up or down; it is a two-for-one type of haircut. Let us know which one was your favorite down below.

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