Own Your Look: 53 Stylish Hairstyles for Balding Men in 2024

Hair loss is a natural part of life for many men, and navigating the world of hairstyles while experiencing it can feel overwhelming. But fret no more! This guide is packed with 53 inspiring and stylish haircut ideas designed to complement your receding hairline and enhance your features.

Embrace Your New Look:

Owning your balding head can be a sign of confidence and self-acceptance. Many celebrities and successful individuals rock bald styles, proving that baldness can be just as attractive and stylish as a full head of hair.

Find Your Perfect Style:

This guide offers a diverse range of haircuts for various hair types, head shapes, and preferences. Whether you prefer short and low-maintenance or longer with texture, you’ll find inspiration to express your unique style.

Ready to explore? Let’s dive in!

1. Undercut with Longer Top

If you ever want to bring out your youthful or edgy side, always go for an undercut. In a situation in which you’re also facing some balding, leave the top longer and sweep it back. The results? A good-looking haircut that will do your style justice.

Undercuts with Longer Tops

2. Jude Law Hairstyle for Receding Hairline

There’s no doubt that Jude Law is one of the most esteemed actors in Hollywood, and also a heartthrob for countless fans. How does he pull off his irresistible look even when he faces balding? He adopts a short yet youthful hairstyle for receding hairlines.

Jude Law Hairstyles for Receding Hairlines

3. Prince William Haircut for Bald Spots on Crown

If a prince can proudly sport their hair in any condition, so should you! Prince William proves that you don’t always need to cover up a balding head. You should feel free to wear any hairstyle you deem suitable for your personality.

Prince William Haircuts for Bald Spot on Crown

4. Dwayne The Rock Johnson – Shaved Head and Van Dyke

Another one of entertainment’s favorite bad boys is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. How has he been dealing with balding for more than a decade? The ladies’ man prefers to shave his head entirely, often trimming his facial hair into a dapper goatee.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson Hairstyles for Balding Men

5. Buzz Cut for Balding Men

If our last idea was longer than a buzz cut, here’s an alternative if you’re looking for something even shorter. The burr cut is a traditional hairstyle for military men that’s also great for guys with prominent facial features.

Burr Cuts

6. Bruce Willis Hairstyle

In recent years, Bruce Willis is all about that alluring stubble. So, the remarkable actor skips any idea of long hair in favor of a 5 o’clock shadow beard and a burr cut. Also, we say the two go hand in hand fantastically well and that you should give them a chance!

Bruce Willis Hairstyles for Balding Men

12. Buzz Cut with High Fade

When done by a professional barber, a high fade buzz cut can make you look like a million dollars. Not only is it one of the most effective hairstyles for bald men, but it will also leave you feeling younger and up-to-date with modern trends.

Buzz Cuts with High Fades

7. Hard Part Fade for Balding Men

It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of hard part haircuts. We love how such a simple detail can make a massive difference in any man’s hairstyle, especially if they’re balding. So, start from a corner of your receding hairline and shave right along your part for an awesome look.

Hard Part Hairstyles

8. Regular Haircut

If all else fails, you can always opt for a regular haircut. The classic hairstyle is one you can rely on during the first phases of balding, especially if your problem area is in the front. Then, keep it cleanly trimmed for a business casual hairstyle effect.

Regular Haircuts

9. Ducktail Hairstyle

For as long as we can remember, the ducktail has been the go-to hairstyle for stylish men who like the swept-back effect. If you’re also battling a case of minor balding, you can use the hairstyle to elegantly cover either the front or back sections of your head.

Ducktail Hairstyles for Balding Men

10. Jason Statham Hairstyle for Balding Men

One of the fiercest faces in the movie industry is never shy about displaying a visibly balding hairstyle. Jason Statham tends to keep his hair shortly trimmed, but stands out with a cleanly cropped beard at all times. It goes to show that attitude is everything!

Jason Statham Hairstyles for Balding Men

11. Mid-Fade Taper Haircut

Some of the most successful hairstyles for balding men use clever techniques to direct attention. To put it otherwise, you have to find a key element to distract the viewer from staring at your not-so-flattering spots. Then, a mid-fade haircut is an excellent way to start.

Mid Fade Taper Haircut

12. Buzz Cut Hairstyles for Balding Men

Among all hairstyles for balding men, we can easily agree that buzz cuts are some of the most popular. Also, the visual benefits are quite obvious, while the razor-short length makes it a highly practical haircut if you don’t want to waste time with styling.

Buzz Cuts

14. Cropped Bristle Hairstyles for Balding Men

If you’re also having trouble with thinning hair, you should consider a cropped bristle hairstyle. Even though it comes close to the buzz cut, it’s a tad bit longer on top. As a result, it can be appropriately sported in business environments.

Cropped Bristle Hairstyles

15. Fully Shaved – Vin Diesel Look

Be fast, be furious, and look awesome while doing it! Vin Diesel proves that balding is never an issue for men who are brave enough to go for a fully shaved look. While others prefer to wear their shaved heads with facial hair, Vin Diesel shows how badass you’d look with a clean-shaven face too.

Vin Diesel Hairstyles for Balding Men

17. Buzz Cut with Thick Beard

Speaking of beards, did you know how much they can support hairstyles for balding men? For example, you can have a short haircut on top, and draw all the attention to a full, thick, and properly-groomed beard.

Buzz Cuts with Thick Beards

17. Slicked Back Haircut for Bald Spot in the Back

We know, we know – bald spots are a total nuisance. However, if yours is located in the back crown area of your head, you just might be able to cover it up if the rest of your hair grows normally. So, if this is the case for you, rock a longer with your locks slicked back hairstyle.

Slicked Back Haircuts for Bald Spot in Back

18. Vince Vaughn Hairstyle

Another one of our favorite celebrities that tackle hairstyles for balding men like a pro is Vince Vaughn. He makes the most of his widow’s peak hairstyle to sport short haircuts that go along it. Also, it’s yet another piece of clear evidence that self-confidence goes a long way.

Vince Vaughn Hairstyles for Balding Men

19. High and Tight Haircut

The high and tight hairstyle is a military haircut staple. We believe it works extremely well among balding hairstyles for men, particularly if a receding hairline is your problem. So, don’t hesitate to keep the top longer or shorter, as preferred.

High and Tight Haircuts

20. Short Shaggy Hairstyle

Shaggy haircuts are a dream come true for men undergoing balding. Regardless of the length, a hairstyle that features shaggy layers can help you coat any unflattering areas. Also, the more layers you add, the shaggier the final hairstyle will be.

Short Shaggy Hairstyles for Balding Men

21. Mel Gibson Hairstyle

Throughout the years, we have seen Mel Gibson embrace his receding hairline with grace. He always seems to find a way to transform a con like this into a pro, all with a sense of manliness. So, you can go for his style if you want to accept your balding with dignity.

Mel Gibson Hairstyles for Balding Men

22. Comb Over and Slicked Back Hybrid Hairstyle

When viewed separately, both the comb-over haircut and the slicked-back hairstyle are phenomenal. Also, put them together and you can imagine what an awesome hairstyle you get. So, we fully recommend it as one of the edgy hairstyles for balding men you can count on.

Combover and Slicked Back Hybrid Hairstyles

23. Front Combed Hairstyle

Sometimes, all it takes is the right styling technique to deal with incipient balding. If the rest of your hair doesn’t seem to be battling any issues, allow it to grow a few inches long. After that, comb it all forward to successfully hide the receding hairline.

Front Combed Hairstyles

24. Chris Martin Hairstyle

Coldplay frontman Chris Martin is as appreciated for his looks as he is for his music. But how does he get all that admiration when his hairline is receding? It’s simple – he works his way around it. So, Chris makes the most of his curly locks, allowing them to grow all around.

Chris Martin Hairstyles for Balding Men

25. Spiky Hairstyle

If you’re one of the guys that prefer shorter hairstyles, think about adding some spunk to it with spikes. You don’t have to make your hair spiky, but rather add some hair product and run your fingers through it for a bristle-like look.

Spiky Hairstyles for Balding Men

26. Tom Felton Hairstyle

Who thought that the dashing actor who played slick Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies would be balding? Well, it happens to the best of us, but what matters is how we deal with it. In Tom Felton’s case, he sports a shaggy, mid-length haircut with his bangs tossed to the side.

Tom Felton Hairstyles for Balding Men

27. Short Choppy Haircut

Hard as it may seem to believe, even men with thick hair experience balding at one point. If yours is this way, a choppy haircut will work like a charm. So, don’t be afraid to ruffle your hair in all directions to steer attention away from a receding hairline.

Short Choppy Haircuts

28. Comb Over Part Hairstyle

Expertly masking the receding hairline, this comb-over part is perfect if you want to keep your bald spots hidden as long as possible.

Kevin Spacey Combover Hairstyle

29. Long Hairstyle for Receding Hairline & Thinning Hair

On the other hand, go all out with a long hairstyle! Even though your remaining locks should still grow fairly well for this one, we’re sure you can pull it off. So, We especially recommend the idea if you have a rockstar soul!

Long Hairstyle for Balding Men

30. Crew Cut

The crew cut is the ideal alternative for balding men who think that the buzz cut isn’t up their alley. It’s a slightly longer hairstyle, an aspect that also makes it appropriate for professional wear. You also won’t waste time with complicated styling.

Crew Cut

31. Hugh Laurie Hairstyle

Even handsome Dr. House experiences the balding that we all eventually will. But how does he trick his way into maintaining his signature allure? He doesn’t worry too much about it. Then, he casually combs his short locks to the side.

Hugh Laurie Hairstyles for Balding Men

32. French Crop Haircut

We’ve talked about the French crop from time to time, and we’re happy to bring it up in this challenging context as well. For balding men, a French crop haircut can be the perfect solution, even more so when covering up an unpleasantly high forehead.

French Crop Haircuts

33. Steven Seagal Hairstyles for Balding Men

We’re accustomed to seeing Steven Seagal with a long, slicked-back hairstyle. Even now, in his later years, the actor prefers to keep his locks colored and pulled back, despite his increasingly receding hairline. So, we recommend it for guys who enjoy a similar style.

Steven Seagal Hairstyles for Balding Men

34. Faux Hawk Haircut

Want to give a spiky hairstyle an even edgier twist? The faux hawk is just what you need! By bringing both sides of your hair together for a mohawk-like hairstyle, you will be balancing your balding features. Also, you should check it out no matter what hair texture you have.

Faux Hawk Haircuts

35. Modern Messy Flat Top

Flat-top haircuts aren’t as sizzling now as they were back in the day. Nevertheless, there is a modern adaptation that performs wonderfully among hairstyles for balding men. Instead of using a huge amount of product and a flat line, keep it a little choppy and ruffled.

Modern Messy Flattops

36. Quiff Hairstyles for Balding Men

We’re pretty sure the quiff hairstyle won’t go out of style anytime soon. As for hairstyles for balding men, it’s an idea to look out for. You won’t be covering anything up, but rather gently moving the attention to the sleekness of your haircut.

Quiff Hairstyles for Balding Men

37. Kevin Costner Hairstyles for Balding Men

Oscar-winning actor Kevin Costner sure knows how to accept his age with refinement. Instead of resorting to haircuts that will trick the eye out of observing his balding, he sports a brave appearance. If you’re over 50, we warmly recommend you do the same.

Kevin Costner Hairstyles for Balding Men

38. Shaved Head with Moustache

So, you have decided that you will completely shave your head to deal with balding. Still, you think that a cleanly-shaved face would be too much altogether. You’re not that interested in beards either. What can you do? Then, get a dapper mustache!

Shaved Head with Moustaches

39. Short and Wavy Hairstyle

Hair loss doesn’t have to be a tragedy. Ben Affleck shows how you can be one of the most handsome men in Hollywood even if you’re fighting back a receding hairline. His solution? A short and casual hairstyle for his wavy locks.

Short and Wavy Hairstyles

40. Careless Hairstyle

We can’t remember the time that Morrissey ever visibly cared about his receding hairline. Even in the 80s, the famed English singer and songwriter would rock messy hairstyles like there was no tomorrow. Then, follow suit if you have a nonchalant approach to life. If you tried bold and hair loss, just try a hair replacement system for men. It will give you confidence again!

Careless Hairstyles

41. Low Fade Hairstyle for Balding Men

We have talked all about fade haircuts, whether mid or high. Nonetheless, there’s still one approach that we’re sure you’ll enjoy!

Low Fade Hairstyles for Balding Men

42. Neatly Combed Hairstyles for Balding Men

You can never go wrong with a neatly combed hairstyle. If you’re one of the millions having a hard time with balding, it becomes an even better idea. So, make sure that you comb your hair so you can hide any areas you feel don’t compliment your style.

Neatly Combed Hairstyles

43. Billy Bob Thornton Hairstyle for Balding Men

We’ve always looked up to Billy Bob Thornton for his bad boy style that never disappoints, no matter his age. Now that he’s older, he tackles his upper balding with a clever short hairstyle. The secret is to lightly comb your hair to the sides to hide those areas.

Billy Bob Thornton Hairstyles for Balding Men

44. Shoulder-Length Hairstyles for Balding Men

If you’ve got a bohemian soul that you’re not afraid to show, rock a shoulder-length hairstyle. It won’t even matter if you’re experiencing balding in the front, as the entire focus will be on your long locks. The rugged beard also helps with the final look.

Shoulder-length Hairstyles

45. Gelled Hairstyles for Balding Men

A quarter-sized amount of gel can work miracles for your hair. We mentioned the quantity because it’s the most important part. So, use less and you won’t have the same impact. Also, use more and you’ll get a stiff and tacky aspect to your hair.

Gelled Hairstyles

46. Flow Hairstyles for Balding Men

The flow hairstyle is appropriate for men of all ages, whether or not they’re starting to go through the pain of balding. Don’t stress about the hairline, but rather shift your efforts to the rest of your hair. Also, the idea is a must for guys with wavy locks.

Flow Hairstyles for Balding Men

47. Matthew McConaughey Hairstyles for Balding Men

If one of the “sexiest men alive” can pull off medium-length hairstyles for balding men, so can you! Matthew McConaughey is another one of the celebs that don’t worry about his hairline, wearing his wavy strands swept to the back.

Matthew McConaughey Hairstyles for Balding Men

48. Classic Shaved Sides Hairstyle with Beard

Similar to undercuts, hairstyles with shaved sides will always add an edge to your appearance. So, if you can grow your hair long enough to slick it back, you should consider shaving the sides. So, you’ll be bad to the bone in no time!

Shaved Sides Hairstyles

49. Textured Hairstyles for Balding Men

The last of our smart hairstyles for balding men focus on texture. Regardless of whether your hair is thick or fine, you can work a multitude of layers into your haircut. Then, the resulted layers will allow you to bring your locks over your hairline without care.

Textured Haircuts

50. Flat Top with High Bald Fade

If you’re feeling unsure about any of the hairstyles on this page, don’t worry about it – this one works with just about any type of male pattern baldness. Also, the only downside is that you might look like an army general – if that’s not something you want to be about.

flat top and bald fade

51. Side Comb & Disconnected Low Undercut

Now, it might be difficult to pull this off, but if you got to the advanced stages of receding hairline, this might just be for you. So, notice how the part goes into the bald side of the head, making it look natural.

side comb and disconnected low undercut

52. Double Parted Widow’s Peak

A double part and a high fade might look weird on someone with normal hair thickness, but if you have a receding hairline and thinning hair, this one’s right up your alley. Also, the double part helps hide the bald spots.

double parted widow's peak

53. Uniform Cut Hairstyles for Balding Men

If all else fails and you’ve got increasingly thin hair, just go for a neat shave all over with the same number and it should work just fine before you have to shave it all off and grow a beard.

single number fade


Own Your Style Journey!

This guide explored a diverse range of stylish hairstyles designed to complement your receding hairline and enhance your features.

Remember, confidence is key! Choose a hairstyle that makes you feel comfortable and empowered.

Ready to take the next step?

  • Explore our gallery: Revisit the various hairstyles featured in this guide for inspiration.
  • Consult with a hairstylist: Discuss your options and preferences with a professional for personalized advice.
  • Embrace your unique style: Don’t be afraid to experiment and find a haircut that reflects your confidence and personality.
  • With so many inspiring options available, there’s no need to shy away from hair loss.

Embrace your look and express yourself with a hairstyle that makes you feel amazing!

Whether you want to cover up the areas or embrace them with a manly touch, you now know how to get started! Which clever hairstyle will you choose?

This article was updated in July 2022.

2 Responses

  1. To summarize, you have buzz cuts and toupee for all the men who aren’t actually bald (i.e. most of them shown here.)

    1. LOL. Half these people have full heads of hair, a quarter have wigs or hair implants, and the rest, as you say, have buzz cuts. I would have added Jack Nicholson to the list, as he gradually receded but just pushed it neatly back and still looked good and cool in old age. If you are thinning all over, buzzing it gradually shorter over time, along with some facial hair, is the best option.

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